
Rome – Spring Jam of Arts 28-29-30 April – 1 May 2018

Hello to everyone!

We are very happy to announce you the 12th edition of Jam of Arts! The Spring Jam of Arts 2018 festival will be in a beautiful farm in north Rome, surrounded by a big park.

The focus of this festival will be on: “Be in the Present”, so we have chosen teachers – artists and arguments for deepen on this very important aspect in contact improvisation and in all arts in generally but also very important in every day life.

The festival includes labs: of Contact, of Zen, of Instant Music Composition, of Watsu, many jams, live music, use of the Turkish bath, Salt cave, use all day of hot thermal pool and plenty of traditional Italian and vegetarian food!

You are all invited to dance, improvise, sing, swim, relax and meet people from all around the world!


The events includes:

– 18 hours of lessons
– More than 34 hours of jam in the dance floor and in the pool
– Live music
– All day use of thermal pool
– Use of Turkish bath, salt cave (Halotherapy), relax area
– Big, well heated apartments
– Traditional Italian and vegetarian food.

The teachers are:

Pasquale Shuten Esposito

Ippokratis Veneris

Claudio Jalesh Petrassi

Roberto Bellatalla

(see below for curriculums and lab descriptions)



From Fiumicino Airport and from the center of Rome departs every 15 minutes a train and takes about 35 minutes to arrive to the farm where will be the event. 


Note: To participate to the festival you don’t need to be dancers or artists since the festival is aimed to people who want to experiment with arts and movement regardless  having or not prior experience. The goal is to explore different skills and capabilities that exist within us, study various disciplines and enjoy!



Here is the program

Saturday 28 April

Sunday 29 April


Monday 30 April


Tuesday 1 May

Hall 1: the ballroom

Hall 2: the swimming pool with warm thermal water

Note: The thermal pool is next to the dance studio and is about 145 cm deep so is not important if somebody doesn’t know how to swim and everyone is free to decide whether to participate or not to the events in the pool


– the fee for participating to the event is 200€

In the fee are included all the workshops, all the events, all the meals all day use of thermal pool and sleeping in luxury apartments with other 3-4 persons (see photos).

info: For more information’s and registration, you have to write an email to: veneris.i@romacontact.com. For prices see at the end of the page

tel: 0039 3287213546

Part of the facilities at our disposal (heated swimming pool with thermal water)



Part of the dance hall


riaSome of the inhabitants of the organic farm (there are also sheeps, bunnys, a just born pig and many others)



Ippokratis Veneris (GRE/ITA) personal info: Ippokratis born and raised in Knossos on Crete, his childhood was populated by both the direct contact with the sea and from the myths of the place. Playing in the multicolored and multiform palace of Minos, up of the labyrinth and growing with the myths of Icarus, Daedalus and those of Theseus, Ariadne and the Minotaur his imagination and life were influenced by all those years of intense experience with the place. 
– In 2011 he collaborated with the UNIVERSITY OF ROME “Roma 3”, department of “Philosophy of Education” giving lectures about “Pedagogy, C.I. and personal researches on teaching”.
– In 2009 and 2010 he received an open scholarship in Brussels (PARTS-ROSAS Dance Company) and in Rome by the region of Lazio to proceed with his research. His original works (“Buongiorno Amore”, “Afroditi”, presented at Olympic theatre and Theatre Greco) combine together elements of theatre and dance.
– Is professor of the theatre school “il Cantiere Teatrale”
– Has collaborated -teaching and making shows of improvisation- with the Italian National Organization of Theatre. – Teaches regularly twice a week Contact Improvisation developinghis own method.
– Teaches in different places around Europe.
– Has collaborated with Roberto Castello-Aldes for “Narrate” premium UBU as the best dance theatre production of the year in Italy and many others.
– In 2011 decided to stop making shows and concentrate his energies on the research about the human nature and the wisdom of our bodies.
– Co-founder of CORE an association of choreographers of central Italy to promote the rights of the live performing arts
– Co-founder of RomaContact a collective of dancers who promote and give shows of improvisation and Contact Improvisation.
– Organized the last 10 years many events of art and workshops inviting teachers from all Europe.
– In March of 2014 he was a guest together with Giulio Tremonti (former Italian Minister of Economy), Romano Prodi (the former Italian prime minister and former president of the European community), Ermanno Olmi (film director) in the TV show “the wind whistles” of Gad Lerner for Repubblica television and for the art channel Effe tv.
– Lives in Rome, graduated at school “l’officina” where study release technique, Dupuy technique, contact improvisation, instant improvisation and composition.
– In the last ten years as choreographer, dancer and improviser has organized and participated at different events.
– Has studied with many choreographers and participating at numerous workshops of physical-theatre, contemporary dance, choreographic composition and contact improvisation.


Theme of the workshop of Ippokratis Veneris:  Feel – Act – Interact – Meet

In this lab we will deepen on some important technical elements of Contact Improvisation which will be then used and integrated with some impro principles.
The objective of this lab will be: 
Departing from feeling-perceiving ourselves we will then pass to act-interact with the other(s) through a global self presence that brings to meetings with the partners creating simple and fluid dances which becomes engaging, playful, creative and together a journey and a joy in being in here and now with ourselves and with others. Being..


Pasquale Shuten Esposito (Zen monk, actor) was born in Italy, he started to travel at an early age and after spending some years in L.A. at the moment he is living in the north of Germany, Hamburg.
He has been practicing Zen (Soto) Buddhism since 1993 and was officially ordained in 2001 at the Fudenji Zen Temple in Italy by the abbott Fausto Taiten Guareschi. He deepens his Zen practice by traveling to different dojos in Europe and the USA.
Pasquale is also a professional actor working in both theatre and in the film industry in Italy and UK.
Is the president of the cultural association “Flowers in the Sky” an association that regards the Zen education and he is the artistic director of the “Research Company Art and Awareness” with which he continue his research on expression and communication.
Esposito travels a lot with his workshops, work demonstration, retreits and symposium (Germany, UK, Austria and Italy) divulving how an artistic and creative process can be an opportunity to experience our original self. A very important part of his education comes from the “Gurdjieff’s teaching” which he followed in Rome, Los Angeles and London and the practice of Aikido and Chi kung (pushing hands).
As director he produced and directed a documentary “In The Right Light” screened in N.Y. and London.
As an actor he is been recently part of an International Tv series Gomorrah and he’s preparing a new project with his Research Company on Fernando Pessoa. 


Title of the lab: “To be present ….. the journey to nowhere”

In these couple of appointments we will have the chance to experience that, “being present” is neither a state nor a concept but a natural and original movement. Being present implies a verb, an happening and ultimately is a movement that arise from not knowing.
“Being” from a zen point of view means: being in relationship. We will explore the “not doing” as a frame, as a context from which the action of life express itself. A real action, a real movement can only arise in the present moment and this implies relationship, otherness.
We will be introduced to Zen sitting meditation (called zazen) and to the walking meditation (called Kinhin).
Using principles and movements of martial arts, of dance, of conscious movement, of acting, of Zen, we will address our listening to shift from be interested in how you move your body and how you express something to: where does your body’s movement come from? and what is expressing that you didn’t decide? Moving, acting, being present is the movement with no ownership, only a journey. 

Pasquale’s research proposal is an ontological work that concerns the nature and the knowledge of “being” and focus on the direct experience. It is an ongoing research based on different principles coming from Pasquale’s education. This includes: Zen education, the craft of Acting, Bioenergetic, Gurdjieff’s teaching, Chi kung. 



Theme of the lab of R.Bellatalla: “Found objects: workshop of sonic reinterpretation”

Bring an object with you that produces a sound (a bunch of keys, a book, a plastic bag, a jar) or we will find it on the spot.

In the workshop we will be encouraged to listen with attention objects chosen randomly creating ways to play based on ergonomics, gestures and structured experimentation.

Everyday objects transformed into sound objects.

The sense of sound is related to interiority and is therefore able to evoke an instinctive and profound expressivity and an instant creativity. If you do not want to bring an object then you’ll be the object item-body. The trial will be accompanied by simple exercises and practices of movement, voice, spatial orientation, imitation and literacy.


Roberto Bellatalla lived in London from 1978 to 2003, double bass player active on the british and european jazz and improvised music scene, has played extensively, toured and recorded with Elton Dean, Nick Evans, Keith Tippett, Louis Moholo, Mark Sanders, Alan Wilkinson, Evan Parker, Paul Dunmall, Paul Rutherford, Tony Marsh, Paul Rogers, Marcio Mattos, Maggie Nichols, Radu Malfatti, Tristan Honsinger, Sean Bergin, Steve Noble, Billy Jenkins and many others: Member of the band “Dreamtime”, from 1983 to 2006 and of “Louis Moholo’s Viva la Black”. He writes and performs for theatre, poetry and dance and is involved in didactic activities for children, adults and disabled people. He plays with the trio led by guitarist Mike Cooper, “Truth in the Abstract Blues”, performs solo concerts and with a variety of small acoustic or electro-acoustic ensembles of improvised music.


Claudio Jalesh Petrassi is a Watsu operator; He studied clinical psychology and specialized in counseling for childrens and adolescents and the Art-Counseling; held lectures at the School of Counseling “ASPIC”; worked as consult-listening at some schools; he carried out in the context of HIV counseling at the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome; leads groups on parenting, fear of flying and fear of water; designed and carried out paths through Watsu support for children diagnosed with autism and disability in general; gives Watsu monthly offers for the couple in Belgium (Brussels); organizes days of baby Watsu, where the babies play with their parents and we take care of their children both in land and water; leading groups of AI-CHI (Taichi water); coconduce groups of hypnosis in warm water; organizes training courses in the Californian massage; was trained in psycho-body techniques such as the Californian massage and Jin Shin Do.


